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As I was doing my bible study this morning, I was led by the Spirit to Genesis 3: 1-7. The devil corrupted Eve by planting doubt in Eve's mind vs1-3. The doubt made her question God's edicts and before she could respond the serpent corrupts and misrepresents God's instructions vs 4-5. The sum total is of this is revealed in vs 6-7. Eve couldn't fall alone, she had to rope in Adam and bam... sin entered the world.

How many times have you doubted and yes even questioned God's command? You are walking with Lord then viola doubts take hold of you. The depth of this deception is depicted in James 1:6-8. The believer is left defenseless and faithless. This marks the beginning of the end of the believer unless he recognizes the sources and embraces Christ once more through repentance. That's why in the spiritual church, you are given the opportunity to repent and be right with God in each service. For without Faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6. Remember it isn't enough just to have faith but faith must be accompanied by works. If your faith isn’t demonstrated, then what’s the difference between you and the devil? The devil who knowing the full power of God still went ahead and deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden.

You are as I write this in a difficult spot, undergoing all sorts of trouble, trials, and struggles. The source of all this is the devil. Through one man, sin entered the world and in the same way, through one man, sin is taken care of. The wages of sin death Romans 3: 23 while the gift of God is righteousness and eternal life through Jesus Christ. I am not promising you a smooth ride, rather I assure you of daily victory over the enemy. Mathew 11:19.  Come join me in this walk with Christ, let us have dominion and rule as ordained by God. We are more than conquerors through Christ- Romans 8:28 as all things work for God to those who are called according to His purpose. Question not, take a step of faith and embrace Jesus. He promises to be with you now and always.

Take hold of this brethren, for today, is the day. I know you want to, go ahead and talk to Jesus. There’s no formula, stretch out and meet Jesus today, let Him guide you. Tell him what is on your mind, say the Lord’s prayer, recite the psalms, pour out your heart to God through Jesus as no one comes to the Father unless the Son reveals it to him. This isn’t rocket science, it is faith. I pray that God touches your heart and quickens your Spirit now in Jesus name. God knows your name, He knows who you are. You are a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind. God through Christ will hear brother, sister, call on him now. Do not wait anymore, for today is the appointed day for your deliverance. I am speaking to you, yes you. Rise up and embrace this Holy Love, embrace Jesus. Let him be your Lord and King. Surrender now and receive victory and dominion over the devil. Take your God-ordained position now………..I am waiting for you. The Lord says you are His and His alone.

Jehovah has the final say. He turned my life around let Him turn yours around now in the name of Jesus. 


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