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Before you go out to protest, kill someone or destroy property- ask yourself why you are doing what you intend to do. What is your end game? Is your intention to escalate the current crisis or offer a solution? What crime has someone of a different tribe, gender or nationality done to you? Does destroying someone's property make you satisfied? Does killing someone earn you accolades?   This is our country. The politicians you are fighting for or those inciting you are doing their job-politicking. You have a responsibility first to yourself, to your family and the society. Are you, by your actions serving any of these? Fight the fight but do it in the right way. If you don't like someone or something, simply avoid it or them. Mind your own business. Condemn the wrong, and the injustice, speak about it. Write a blog, call a rally and express yourself. Do something but don't infringe on other people’s rights as stipulated in the Bill of Rights. Refuse to be provoked, be fi...
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As a believer, it is incumbent upon you to build your relationship with God. A relationship is built on effective communication. In Christ, we have the gate pass to reach our father in heaven. Jesus Himself set us an example in word and deed. His life was a life of prayer. He embodied God yet, He, in his human nature understood the essence of being in sync with His Father. Jesus Christ taught his disciples to pray, healed people with prayers, denounced the corruption of the temple worship (which, he said, should be a “house of prayer”), and insisted that some demons could be cast out only through prayer. He prayed often and regularly with fervent cries and tears (Heb. 5:7), and sometimes all night. The Holy Spirit came upon him and anointed him as he was praying (Luke 3:21–22), and he was transfigured with the divine glory as he prayed (Luke 9:29). When he faced his greatest crisis, he did so with prayer. We hear him praying for his disciples and the church on the night before he d...


As I was doing my bible study this morning, I was led by the Spirit to Genesis 3: 1-7 . The devil corrupted Eve by planting doubt in Eve's mind vs1-3. The doubt made her question God's edicts and before she could respond the serpent corrupts and misrepresents God's instructions vs 4-5. The sum total is of this is revealed in vs 6-7. Eve couldn't fall alone, she had to rope in Adam and bam... sin entered the world. How many times have you doubted and yes even questioned God's command? You are walking with Lord then viola doubts take hold of you. The depth of this deception is depicted in James 1:6-8. The believer is left defenseless and faithless. This marks the beginning of the end of the believer unless he recognizes the sources and embraces Christ once more through repentance. That's why in the spiritual church, you are given the opportunity to repent and be right with God in each service. For without Faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6. ...

Love, Technology and Rationale

As a woman, you desire to eventually settle down and raise a family with that dream guy. Career demands and other commitments make this a mirage. You want to be the perfect woman, who is established, successful and confident. In your early twenties, men literally chased after you but because you had a goal, you simply brushed them off. They, on the other hand, misunderstood you and perused you even harder. As expected, they eventually gave up. You spent all your time in achieving personal success and viola at thirty-something, you are the envy of your colleagues and friends because of your achievements in the corporate world. A senior managerial position, a hefty paycheck coupled with bonuses, trips to foreign countries, an MBA and currently pursuing you Ph.D. to boot. I mean, you have figuratively and literally, arrived as they say. Despite all this success and the accolades, you have collected; deep down, there is this yearning, the hunger, and thirst for a family. Herein la...

Five Ways Photoshop Can Help Your Art Career

Artists in this day and age can't afford to be careless. Your work should be flawless and mirror perfection. There are many tools at your disposal to support you in your career. In your art career Photoshop is indispensable. Any serious artists understand the value and significance of using Photoshop.The use of Photoshop (or other high-quality graphics program) is essential for all design and print-related career fields. You are probably asking why you should bother with Photoshop when your work is great. Here you will know why: 1 . Marketing Photoshop can be used to create your marketing materials. As an artist, you will benefit from having software that will help gain maximum control of your marketing needs.  Starting from the point of laying out a poster for a print, an exhibition or even announcing your blog post- this will assist you. It will enable you to create an entire marketing campaign which includes a poster, postcard, banners, email campaigns and event banners. ...

Fatherhood 101

As a father it is your solemn duty and responsibility to Love, serve and protect your wife and children, and teach them the statutes of God as the spiritual leaders of your home, be faithful to your wife, to love and honor her, and be willing to lay down your life for her as Christ did it for you. Teach your children to Love God with all their hearts, all their minds and all their strength, honour. Train them to honour authority, and live responsibly. You are to confront evil, pursue jus tice and love mercy. Treat others with kindness, respect and compassion, work diligently to provide for the needs of your family, forgive those who have wronged you, and reconcile with those you have wronged. Walk in integrity as a man answerable to God, seek to honour God, obey His will and do His will. Make a vow that you and your house will serve the Lord. I am praying for those of us who wish to make this resolution and commitment that God through Christ may give you the grace to live and ho...


As we approach the homestretch in this election cycle, emotions are high; politicians are running all over seeking votes. In all this, the voter is the target- being wooed to make a choice. Each side is busy portraying the other as being ineffective and clueless. Why do you support whomever it is you're supporting? Do you have to kill or destroy property that belongs to someone else just because he or she has a different opinion? What really drives you? If you strongly believe your candidate or party is best suited for a particular position why can't you find a civilised way of convincing those who have divergent opinions to see things your way? Let us take a moment and look back to where we have come from.  In 2007 the same politicians who are traversing the nation are the very one who came to us seeking our votes to put them into office. Most of them were in different camps, but today some have crossed over to the opponent of that day's side. The current deputy pre...