As we approach the homestretch in this election cycle, emotions are high; politicians are running all over seeking votes. In all this, the voter is the target- being wooed to make a choice. Each side is busy portraying the other as being ineffective and clueless.
Why do you support whomever it is you're supporting? Do you have to kill or destroy property that belongs to someone else just because he or she has a different opinion? What really drives you? If you strongly believe your candidate or party is best suited for a particular position why can't you find a civilised way of convincing those who have divergent opinions to see things your way?
Let us take a moment and look back to where we have come from. In 2007 the same politicians who are traversing the nation are the very one who came to us seeking our votes to put them into office. Most of them were in different camps, but today some have crossed over to the opponent of that day's side. The current deputy president was a senior ODM member while the current NASA running mate was a presidential candidate. Each one of them came and tried to convince us that they were best suited to lead this nation.
All of us know what transpired, our nation burnt literally, lives were lost, we became akin to a failed state. The international community came to our aid; we were practically helpless on our own. A nation which five years before had been termed as the most optimistic and democratic country in Africa in 2002, was disintegrating right before our own eyes. All of a sudden your immediate neighbour became an enemy; a workmate who supported a different candidate from yours was branded a traitor. We became paragons of our politicians, hating and killing each other just for their sake. It took the concerted efforts of the high and mighty to bring some semblance of order. Kenya a beacon of hope was on the brink of a precipice, all this because we opted to blindly follow politicians.
This time around, 2017, ten years, this can’t be allowed to happen again. It is incumbent upon you to choose peace above all. Let each politician come with his or her message, listen and decide. Interrogate each one of them in relation to their record and ability to deliver that which they solemnly promise you in exchange for your vote.
Political tolerance is a prerequisite for peace and security. Remember, August will come and go, yet you and we still have to find a way to co-exist whatever the outcome of the election. Kenya needs you, we have bled enough. Rise up and be an ambassador for peace, stand for your nation.
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