As it was four and half years ago so it is now though
even worse than it was. I cry for my nation and my people. Who will deliver us
if not ourselves, we can't afford another five years of this design and nature
of Governance? Is this the best they can do? Are our standards too low that we
will simply take yes for an answer? August is fast approaching good people -the
question is -'What are going to do? Who will you entrust with the governance of
your nation and country? The die has been
cast, the stakes couldn't be higher. It's now incumbent upon you the voter to
On the campaign trail the unassailable
duo as they used to call themselves aka kusema
na kutenda,
made numerous election pledges. Four years down the line nearly all of those pledges have come to naught. All that I see and
hear are report after report of swindled millions and billions to the point
that the President called us thieves live on international media.
My fellow countrymen, you are one of the most resilient countries in the world but we have sat back and
let this government run amok. I ask you today- has siphoning our hard earned
cash become the bedrock of this
coalition, where no one takes responsibility even after being mentioned here and
there? Who will save Kenya?Will you yell,
rave and rant on social media then go back to your cubicle and begin the cycle
again? Will you allow yourself to be misled and lured with five hundred
shillings, a T-shirt, and a cap, to sell
your vote for another five years of misery? How many Kenyans have lost their
jobs against a promise of creating half a million jobs annually? It can no longer be business as usual when we have to scramble for a packet of maize flour yet we are
a very vibrant agricultural nation.
Our children and the generations to
come are looking at us, it is our solemn duty to address these shortcomings and
change the course of our country. Everywhere I look, I see despair, and the
struggle each one of us has to make ends meet when the political class is full of arrogance and chest thumping, as we jeer and cheer shamelessly. Are
we to blame? Who is in the wrong? The church is silent, the once vibrant civil
society has no more muscle, where is our media? Who will speak for the masses?
I have many questions but very few answers.
Take care of your nation Kenya. The
beacon of hope in Africa. We are the pace setters and therefore let us rise to
the occasion and lift Kenya higher. It’s a little over three weeks to the next
general election when we have to make a choice. The choice is as clear as water but my fear is that sycophancy, tribalism and a skewed sense of loyalty is the bane
of our existence On August 8th make that choice that you will
live with comfortably for the next five years.
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