As a father it is your solemn duty and responsibility to Love, serve and protect your wife and children, and teach them the statutes of God as the spiritual leaders of your home, be faithful to your wife, to love and honor her, and be willing to lay down your life for her as Christ did it for you. Teach your children to Love God with all their hearts, all their minds and all their strength, honour. Train them to honour authority, and live responsibly. You are to confront evil, pursue jus tice and love mercy. Treat others with kindness, respect and compassion, work diligently to provide for the needs of your family, forgive those who have wronged you, and reconcile with those you have wronged. Walk in integrity as a man answerable to God, seek to honour God, obey His will and do His will. Make a vow that you and your house will serve the Lord. I am praying for those of us who wish to make this resolution and commitment that God through Christ may give you the grace to live and ho...